
This is a package for analyzing past performance and player habits from the Poker Now website.


In progress…

import poker
from poker.poker_class import Poker

# Input past Data folder location.
repo = '\\location of past Data folder'

# Manual grouping. When same players, play from different devices, they will get a different unique ID.
# This will group the players.
grouped = [['YEtsj6CMK4', 'M_ODMJ-3Je', 'DZy-22KNBS'],
           ['1_FRcDzJU-', 'ofZ3AjBJdl', 'yUaYOqMtWh', 'EIxKLHzvif'],
           ['3fuMmmzEQ-', 'LRdO6bTCRh', '9fNOKzXJkb'],
           ['FZayb4wOU1', '66rXA9g5yF', 'rM6qlbc77h', 'fy6-0HLhb_'],
           ['48QVRRsiae', 'u8_FUbXpAz'],
           ['Aeydg8fuEg', 'yoohsUunIZ'],
           ['mUwL4cyOAC', 'zGv-6DI_aJ'],

poker = Poker(repo_location=repo, grouped=grouped)

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